Sunday, February 24, 2013

What Your Customers Wish You Knew

We came across this article on Social Mouths the other day and just had to share it with all of you as I think it touches on very beneficial points all businesses need to know. We are obviously partial to number 7 (wink wink). Hope you find this as informative as we did!

Do You Know Your Customers? Here Are 10 Things THEY Want You To Know About Them 
  • How can you apply that kind of personalization in your communications with your customers?
  • How something like this can improve those relationships?
  • How can you integrate personalization into your social media strategy?

Do You Know Your Customers? Here Are 10 Things THEY Want You To Know About Them
How well do you know your customers? Do you know them as well as they know your business or brand?
In today’s business economy, sales don’t come as easy as they used to. We deal with a much more educated consumer that wants to become familiar with your product or services as well as your competitors before committing.
And sometimes one small thing you say or do, or don’t… can trigger a new sale or make a customer happy. Or the other way around, of course.
But if you don’t know your customers…
This Infographic by Help Scout (and research by my friend Gregory Ciotti) is not completely related to social media, even better, it reflects some of the things you need to know about your customers way before you jump on social media to start communicating.
If we fully understand these points, it will be much easier to implement a way of communicating with customers, focused on satisfaction. In social media and any other channels.
In other words the formula is: Business goals first, then social media to help you reach those goals
My favorite is #2, Personalization. I remember my dad used to love this particular restaurant. The interesting part to me however, was how the feeling was mutual, the minute he walked in there, everybody from the host, to the waiters to the chef will say hi to him using his name with an automatic smile on their faces. I was impressed and I know for him those details were important.
Start by knowing your customers better
Do You Know Your Customers? Here Are 10 Things THEY Want You To Know About Them
Infographic courtesy of Help ScoutResearch by Gregory Ciotti