Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Twitter Numbers Game

As we spend our days tweeting, retweeting, uploading pictures and interacting with our followers, we dream of the day we can be as successful as the likes of Kim Kardashian. But is a substantial number of followers the real end game for a business? Not necessarily. 

The goal of twitter for businesses is to interact with their customers. To gain their trust and show your commitment to a product or service you create. The more you create valued content, interact with customers, show useful photos and information about your business, the more followers you will receive because they will want to see what you have to say. Creating value and a reason for someone to want to follow you is more important that just trying to up your numbers.

What you should be tweeting about?

  1. Special promotions available specifically via social media: This gives customers a continued reason to follow you as these promotions are exclusive.
  2. Information about your company: People need to get to know you and what you are all about. Introduce your employees, share the process of creating your product etc. Giving an inside look is a great way to gain trust and rapport. The more a customer can relate to you the more likely they are to stick around.
  3. Up and coming products customers would be interested in: Leave people always wanting more. Show them that you are hard at work, listening to their wants and needs. Keeping your name in the front of their mind is very important with the flood of information they receive these days via social media. Always keep them informed of your next steps. 
  4. Sharing customer testimonials and pictures relating to your product and business: If a customer takes the time to validate you, show them your appreciation. Share their thoughts. A happy, valued customer is your best marketing tool. 
  5. Share Your News: Share your success! Let your followers know about an award you one, an article you're featured in or a milestone you've reached. It's OK to boast every once in awhile. Shout it out loud and be proud!

Most businesses may never reach Lady Gaga status, but if you're  interacting with the right audience and sharing the type of information your audience wants to hear, you will in the end, build the type of following you need. The type of following who will share tour tweets, buy your products, recommend you to others and interact with you on a daily basis. 

This is the type of following we are tweeting for!

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